This Torch Aloe is a large densely growing succulent shrub that can grow up to 6-8 feet tall and can equally spread 6-8 feet wide with branching stems holding many 18 inch wide rosettes of narrow recurved soft-toothed margined leaves that are dull green, gray-green, yellow-green, orange-red to sometimes blue-green depending on the location and amount of sunlight received.

Aloe arborescens is fast-growing and it will tolerate drought and neglect once established, it’s easily propagated from a branch or cut stem. Once cut, allow to dry for 5-7 days or until the wound has sealed and calloused over, and then plant in well-drained soil. They don’t need to be rooted in a container, just transplant directly into their permanent place in the garden or landscape. It is important to remember not to water cuttings; overwatering may cause them to rot.

Torch Aloe is grown mainly as an ornamental or as an accent plant, but is also an excellent and impenetrable hedge plant. Plant in full sun (coast) to light shade. This drought tolerant plant does great in coastal California without any supplementary irrigation.